Add following code in MainAcitvity class package `in`.eyehunt. You do not need to have any special privilege to create a database.
Now add following widget in activity_main.xml SQLite - CREATE Database, In SQLite, sqlite3 command is used to create a new SQLite database. Its an always good practice you define your string in res/values/strings.xml. Add Button, TextView, EditText widget in MainActivity resource layout.īefore adding, you must add a string in the resource. SQLiteOpenHelper(context, DB_NAME, null, DB_VERSIOM) Step 3.
#Sqlite database examples android
Import Ĭlass DatabaseHandler(context: Context) : Hey, friends here is an Android SQLite Database Example. It represents a digital media store, including tables for artists, albums, media tracks, invoices and customers. The Chinook Database The Chinook database was created as an alternative to the Northwind database. You may also want to implement the onDowngrade() or onOpen() methods, but they are not required in this example. If you need a sample database to run some quick tests in SQLite, here are a couple of options. Must override the onCreate() and onUpgrade() callback methods. First, connect to the chinook sample database using sqlite3 command as follows: > sqlite3 c : sqlite db chinook.db Code language: CSS (css) Next, use the. } Step 2. Create DatabaseHandler kotlin class and extend SQLiteOpenHelper Step 1. Create an android project in the android studio (Follow this tutorial: Android First Program in Android Studio kotlin) Step 2. Create a model class (POJO): UsersĬreate a package directory in the root package its good practice to maintain your code.